
Friday, 17 June 2011

Wild recipes for June

There are so many recipes that I am dying to try out this month - the eldferflowers are nodding at me, the wild roses are making my grotty little town actually smell sweet, the wild strawberries are starting to come out, and I'm counting the days to another visit home to Ireland to try out some more seaweed recipes over the Solstice.

Problem is, it's raining every time I want to go out and pick elderflwoers or wild rose petals. Boo and hiss.  It's not that we're afraid of getting wet, just that the ecipes really only work when the flwoers are picked in the full bloom of a sunny day, just like dandelions.  It's just no good picking them whe they;re closed and trying to stay warm!

In anticipation however, I bring you links to some of the recipes that are making my mouth water....

and as I've been reading a lot about the uses of wild rose in moisturising creams etc I thought I'd maybe give this Wild Rose Elixir a go... although maybe that's going a bit over board! 
River cottage have a lot of elderflower recipes including  Elderflower and Vanilla Panna Cotta, Elderflower Delight, tried and tested Elderflower cordial of course, and Elderflower and Basil Icecream.
I'm not going to make anymore Elderflower Champagne this year as I still have some from last year - that's how popular it was!

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