
Sunday, 12 June 2011

Sow a lot, reap a little?

A thought occurred to me today - maybe having the slowest growing garden in the west of Scotland is a good thing? Whilst all the neighbouring gardens around me start to fade, mine is only just beginning!
Finally, the poppys I sowed at the end of spring are starting to grow, and those I cheated and bought are actually in bloom! My peonies have grown, but I suspect have no intention to flower this year what so ever. Gutted. However the climbing rose is in it's element and has lots of little buds, the curry plant is threatening to stink out the entire street, and the herbs are running riot.

Ever the impatient gardener however, I spent this afternoon making yet more sowings. Flower-wise, I sowed Blue Mink Ageratum, yet MORE Californian Poppies, yet MORE Cornflowers, and Cosmos amongst the front beds. I live in hope that at least some will germinate & grow. I also sowed some Honesty in a corner to contrast with the Golden Fennel. In theory this should bloom summer 2012.

Amongst the still-too-bare-for-my-liking front garden, I stuck in some more Rhubarb Chard, a small Brussels Sprout 'Petit Posy' starting bed; and surrounded the daisy patch with Dwarf French Beans as I expect their red flowers to look well amongst the giant daisies.

Daddy Native is most perplexed by the Asparagus Peas I sowed in a planter out the back, having run out of veg patch space for legumes. I can't wait to get round to harvesting and trying those out!

And finally I filled in the last remaining spaces in the veg patch with 2 rows each of Salsify & Rudolf Broccoli! Phew.

I'm not finished there either, indoors I sowed seed trays with a whole batch of new herbs, both for my own herb garden as well as gifts for new homes I'll be visiting next month. Am most excited to see how the Cumin does.

SO here's my entire crop this year.... get ready... take a deep breath.....

Peas, Runner Beans, Mangetout, 3 different types of Dwarf/French Beans, 1 Artichoke, 2 beds of various Radishes, Broccoli, Salsify, Swiss Chard, Rhubarb Chard, Spinach, Carrots, Beetroot, Celeriac, Pumpkins, Courgette, Gourds, Cherry Tomatoes, Gardeners Delight Tomatoes, Chilli Peppers, Cucumbers, Aubergine, Rocket, Asparagus Peas, Brussels Sprouts, Fennel, Strawberries, White Currants, endless varieties of lettuces and a whole host of herbs...

Should find something to eat out of that lot, what do you think?

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