
Monday, 5 September 2011

Award winning flowers!

I won First place! Yay!
I was intrigued when the local town, which is not exactly renowned for beauty, community spirit or show gardens, was putting on it's Annual Agriculture & Flower show in the community hall. I had to go and see for myself, so I decided to enter it too. It doesn't take much to entertain me these days! It was a bit farcical when I showed up. Obviously they haven't had a new entrant for some time and were rather confused with what to do with this younger person showing up out of the blue. They were less than impressed when I tried to enter unusual jams, as they were only accepting lemon curd or raspberry jam this year. Obviously this is pretty daft and I found it very difficult not to giggle at the old fashioned-ness of it all.
The photos are a bit rubbish as I didn't get a chance to photograph the flowers until last night and they were already starting to wilt and the light was fading, but I think you can get the gist of them.  I called them 'Summer Scents (Sweet peas, apple mint, sage and eucalyptus) and 'Autumn Glow' (Nasturtiums, fennel flowers, beetroot flowers, fuscia, yellow daisies and bits & bobs).

I had never imagined myself as an award winning arranger of flowers!  In fact I've never been qualified to call myself an award winning anything except possible wine drinker & talker of shite.  As 1st prize was a mammoth 60p, I decided to leave it in repayment for the confusion I had caused, and promised to return next year better prepared!  There's another Flower Show in a nearby town next weekend, I think I'll enter some of my veg and see what happens there and hope they're a bit friendlier!

As a complete contrast to the fine art of flower arranging, I then spent Sunday bricklaying.  A woman of many talents, I am.  It may be the squinty-est wall in Scotland but I'm rather proud of it none the less.  Photos and description to come upon completion.

A productive weekend in all!

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