
Sunday, 29 May 2011

Could we call this "middle winter"?

It is as if we get a bonus additional winter in the middle of the year? It sure as hell feels like winter - the wind has been crazy for over 2 weeks now, what hasn't been burnt by the wind, blown away, or washed away, is certainly not keen to grow much in this weather.

Coupled with getting a really shite haircut and I gotta admit I got the blues. Bad.  So apologies for the lack of posts, I'm wallowing in other blogs and nondescript chardonnay.

But I shall share this OUTSTANDING sun drenched recipe with you in case you are also feeling the wet weather pain.  Gran & Granpa Native have gone to Portugal. We declined joining them as Baby Native would probably have spent the whole holiday trying to leap bravely fearlessly into the ice cold pool from a high balcony.  So instead we had a mini Portuguese dinner party for two as a consolation prize. MYOHMY but these Portuguese tarts are better than their Lisbon ancestors!

While we're talking recipes & alcohol, I would have been very excited by these exquisite Elderflower cocktail recipes...... if all the local elderflower blossoms HADN'T BLOWN AWAY already!!!

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