
Monday, 11 April 2011

Hoe while it is spring, and enjoy the best anticipations. It is not much matter if things do not turn out well. (Charles Dudley Warner)

Wow! What fabulous weather! We even had hot sun in the west of Scotland! Honest!

Well I have blisters from digging over my veggie patch for the final time, digging in my own compost and extra fertaliser to make up for the sins of bad planning last year! I have raked and staked, and planted directly into their marked space beetroot, chard and pattisons.  The peas and different variety of beans are still germinating in the poly tunnel. The courgettes and tomatoes and various others are doing well on th bedroom window sill.  The spinach, herbs, spring onions and flower seedlings are in the cold frame that I hope won't blow away now.

Baby Wild is thoroughly pleased with her raking efforts and flattening of soil. I bought her her own toddler tools to help me and it seems to keep her entertained, although the drawback is now she thinks it's ok to walk across the veggie patch. Hmmm.

So I decided to try and find new toys for her to play with outdoors, to climb and hide in.  Gumtree didn't let me down as there are many trying to clear their gardens from unused and forgotten toys at this time of year. I spied a plastic play house and dreamed of how we would decorate and improve it, with flowers in pots by the side and a new paint job.  I drove the whole way to Ayr to pick it up from the seller... to discover that the seller had promised it to many and given to the first to arrive. Cue tantrum from Mama. Sigh.

On the other hand I did manage to get an amazing deal on Gumtree for a beautiful wooden table and 4 chairs (which Grandpa Wild has already coated with a teak stain bless) and a gazebo for overhead when the weather inevitably breaks.  Following some time finding all my assorted solar lights, and jam jars for tea lights and I was in the mood to celebrate my bargain hunting!

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